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Sunday, April 30, 2023 @ 3:00 pm 5:00 pm EDT

The Ridgefield Historical Society and the Lounsbury House present a Gilded Age Tea at the Lounsbury House featuring an enlightening and entertaining performance by Kandie Carle, “The Victorian Lady” — plus tea and treats, of course.

Doors open at 2:50pm.
Program starts promptly at 3:15pm. Please be seated prior to this time.
Tea, treats, and conversation to follow presentation.

$20, for Ridgefield Historical Society Members
$25, for others
(Not sure if you are a Historical Society member? Contact us.)

Additional Details

For those curious and in need of additional detail, we offer a Gilded Age Tea F.A.Q.

What Happens at an Afternoon Tea?

Afternoon tea was originally introduced to stave off late afternoon hunger when one still had several hours before the evening meal.  Over time, friends and acquaintances were added to the occasion, and it became an opportunity for pleasant —yet brief — sociality and conversation. 

At our Gilded Age tea, we will enjoy treats; hear a spirited presentation by Kandie Carle, The Victorian Lady; and have time for conversation and fun.

Are Men Allowed?

Of course. Historically, men have always been included in Teas and certainly contribute to the company and conversation. If you know a man, bring him along!  If you are a man, get a ticket today.  

What to Wear?

Kandie Carle, the Victorian Lady, will educate us on the clothing and accessories that reflect the Gilded Age era — from corset to gloves.  Throughout her interactive presentation, Ms. Carle will relate anecdotes, dispel myths, and share insights into the fashion, lifestyle, manners, and etiquette of men, women, and children at that time.  Ms. Carle, a theater director, performer and teacher for over 30 years, is a decades-long researcher and student of social history and fashion. 

For the rest of us, we can wear whatever we please. For those who enjoy getting gilded up, wear gloves and a hat, carry a fancy fan, don a bowtie — you’re going to the Lounsbury’s house!   

What’s on the Menu?

We will have an assortment of delectable treats, plus tea of course.   

Please direct further questions to [email protected].

316 Main Street
Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877
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