Support Us

Become a Member or More

Become a Member

Members are an essential part of the work we do bringing local history to life through online and in-person offerings including exhibits, lectures, genealogy services, tours, our state-of-the-art archives, and much more.


Your tax-deductible gift to our Annual Fund will ensure the Society’s growth and its future for the next two decades as a resource for Ridgefield and the local area. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!


Volunteers make a vital contribution to the success of RHS, and we invite you to join our team! There are many exciting ways for you to participate, either on an ongoing basis or for specific events. If you have a special interest or skills, please discuss it with us.

Interns at the Historical Society


The Georgianne Kasuli Intern Fund is a paid summer intern program supports up to three interns during the summer months. The program has served students and young adults with an interest in history.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors for their generous support of the Ridgefield Historical Society’s programs, exhibits, and events.

Anne S. Richardson Fund

Liz & Steven Goldstone

CARES Act Humanities Relief Grant

Ridgefield Rotary Club logo

Meserve Memorial Fund

Wadsworth Russell Lewis Trust Fund

In-Kind Donations

Thank you to our sponsors for their in-kind donations in support of the Ridgefield Historical Society’s programs, exhibits, and events.