Votes for Women

Votes For Women Mini Course with Dr. Darla Shaw
The Long and Winding Road, a four-part Zoom webinar with Dr. Shaw, was offered on four Wednesdays in September 2020.

Votes for Women — Panel 11: The Struggle Continues: Beyond 1920
Hardly the end of the struggle for diverse women’s equality, the Nineteenth Amendment became a crucial step, but only a step, in the continuing quest for more representative democracy.

Votes for Women — Panel 10: Ridgefield on the National Stage
Congress passed the 19th Amendment prohibiting discrimination based on one’s sex on June 4, 1919 but in order for the amendment to become law three-quarters of the states (36) had to approve the bill. One more state was needed.

Votes for Women — Panel 9: The Ridgefield Connection: The Town Responds
The important issues debated on the National Stage were heatedly discussed on the local level. Ridgefield suffragists worked tirelessly to convince those in power to “vote for women” and pass the 19th amendment despite “Anti” suffrage sentiments.

Votes for Women — Panel 8: The Connecticut Movement
Like many other states, CT was divided on the issue of woman suffrage, but CT suffragists were committed to the cause holding town meetings, rallies, demonstrations, parades, and other events to garner support for the vote.

Votes for Women — Panels 6 & 7: Two Roads, and Opposition
Differences in approach within the women’s suffrage movement, and the political opposition.

Votes for Women — Panel 5: The African American Suffrage Movement
The women’s suffrage movement had roots that were contemporaneous with the abolition movement; in fact, early suffragists after the 1840s chose to delay work on their cause in favor of the abolition of slavery.

Votes for Women — Panel 4: The National Movement: Remember the Ladies
Highlighting the principal leaders of the American women’s suffrage movement.

Votes for Women: A Conversation with Artist Bil Mikulewicz (2 of 2)
View Panel 10, Ridgefield on the National Stage from the Votes for Women exhibit created by artist Bil Mikulewicz and researched by the League of Women Voters in Ridgefield and the Historical Society.

Votes for Women — Panels 1, 2, & 3
Votes for Women: The Road to Victory is a beautifully rendered, eleven-panel exhibit that seamlessly blends original artwork with a visually stimulating overview of Women’s Suffrage history in celebration of the centennial of the 19th Amendment.

Votes for Women: A Conversation with Artist Bil Mikulewicz (1 of 2)
The African American suffrage movement, and folk music.

Votes for Women at Town Hall
Votes for Women, an exhibit in honor of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women throughout the country access to