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Wednesday, December 7, 2022 @ 7:30 pm

Ridgefield’s current Demolition Delay Ordinance, created in 2019, requires the Building Department to inform the Historic District Commission and Ridgefield Historical Society when demolition applications are received. If a building or structure was built before 1950, the ordinance provides for a 30-day period for the two organizations to conduct research on the architectural, cultural, or historic significance of the property. Should the Historic District Commission and the Historical Society feel the property possesses any such significance, they may submit a letter of objection which institutes a 90-day delay period in which they work with the applicant to discuss alternatives to demolition.

Last year, an unfortunate and premature demolition prompted the Historic District Commission and Ridgefield Historical Society to revisit the ordinance and propose changes to the Board of Selectman. The updates include more serious fines and restrictions for unapproved demolitions; signage on the property to inform the public of the intended demolition; and a change to the timeline from “built before 1950” to “50 years or older,” in order to keep the ordinance consistent through time.

While the ordinance does not necessarily prevent demolitions, it provides the town an opportunity to encourage the preservation of our historic streetscapes. A public meeting was held on November 16th to discuss the changes to the current ordinance. No objections were posed for any of the proposed changes.

Residents will vote on the amended Demolition Delay Ordinance at a Special Town Meeting on December 7 at 7:30 in the lower level conference room at Town Hall. We encourage all those interested in this topic to join us at the meeting.

Ridgefield Town Hall (Lower Level)

Entrance on Bailey Avenue
Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877 United States
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