Programs & Events
Farmington, Connecticut 06032 United States
Leading researchers will share fascinating recent archaeological discoveries related to Revolutionary War burials.

Join author and historian Jack Sanders for an exclusive bus tour of Ridgefield's grand estates as he guides participants through the town’s rich architectural and cultural history.

Ridgefield, CT 06877 United States
An exploration of the balance between the hand of the gardener and the power of nature in the New York Botanical Garden landscape.

Ridgefield, CT 06877 United States
Learn how hi-tech archaeology is being used to reveal our history.

Join our “living history” event on Main Street where Revolutionary War characters are brought to life by actors in period costumes.

Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877
Meet the Ridgefield Historical Society and other local organizations and learn how you can get involved and support their missions at this inaugural non-profit fair.

A gala celebration on the eve of the Ridgefield Garden Tour: An evening in a spectacular private Ridgefield garden, with hors d’oeuvres and drinks, music and conviviality. Hosted by and benefitting the Ridgefield Garden Club and the Ridgefield Historical Society.

Experience the beauty of Ridgefield's most stunning gardens during the inaugural Ridgefield Garden Tour, Beyond the Garden Gate, presented by the Ridgefield Garden Club and the Ridgefield Historical Society.